

まあライブばっか酒ばっかになるわけには行きませんね。さすがに勉強しますよ。でも、でもね、ライブで立ちっぱなしだったからすごい眠いんだ。だから軽く仮眠を取ります。今は夜12時。8時間くらい仮眠を取ってそれから勉強しようかと思います。 軽く。

Green day

Today's topic is not crew, yes, Green Day. It was as long as 4years ago. I was in high school. A friend, Isomura, lent me md of Green Day. SInce then they have been one of my favourite. They have been my favourite, and the existance which …


I died... How hard it was. I had underestimated the practice because it was "norvice". Now way, it was fuckin' hard. Other members are far better at phsical training than me. How the fuck weak I am. I should have not just hanging out after…


Yes! It is the day of the concert of Green Day!I will write about that later...